Having kept bees as a boy, my interest was rekindled when I moved to Whaley Bridge in the Peak District of Derbyshire. Inspired by the countryside of the Peak District with it's abundance of landscapes and by definition, floras, I started with a couple of hives in1999 as a hobby, but the activity soon built into a small business and Goyt Valley Apiary was formed in 2003 with Apiaries all over the High Peak. Contact was made very early on with the Derbyshire Beekeepers association  www.derbyshire-bka.org.uk and through them I met Ben Gilman who has been a very patient and informative mentor.

    Now Goyt Valley Apiary can offer a number of bee related products at competitive prices.

 Put  simply, my aim was to keep bees and sell honey, but very early on you realise that nothing is simple. For example, what type of bees did I want to keep? My studies soon led me to the works of Beowulf Cooper and his book "The Honeybees of the British Isles" which struck a chord of logic in me. Basically he was saying that the best bees for our climate are the bees that have evolved here since the last Ice age and if we could find bees that showed the desirable characteristics then these were the bees to keep and breed. This train of thought soon connected me with BIBBA who do much valuable work on the subject of conservation of the British Black bee.
 Today my aims are two-fold:

        1.To produce the finest quality Honey from the High Peak Flora.

        2.By selective breeding, to conserve the British Black bee Apis melifera melifera